Sunshine, Pure Sunshine.

Restorechurch   -  
Luke 1:37
“For nothing will be impossible with God.”
Speaking Life.
Nothing. No. Thing. Is impossible for God.
In Luke 1, Mary is trying to wrap her head around how she could possibly have been chosen to be
 the mother of Jesus, the Son of God! How impossible that must have seemed.
While many of us have read this story many times , we may have become complacent to the miracle this truly was.
When Mary ran to tell her friend Elizabeth the news , instead of judgement and questions, Elizabeth spoke in faith and excitement saying “Blessed are you among women and your child will be blessed!”
There was no “ How could this happen ? “ or any question of what this miracle was. The scripture says that “Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit”. She spoke life into her friend!
There have been times when God has led loving , grace-filled friends and family into my life to love and embrace me the way He loves us. Unconditionally.
The Lord has helped me to examine layers of sin and pain from my own past and He reminds me that that I am His. I am loved. And I am forgiven. And in times when I felt so far from God, He never left me. Through His life-giving Word, and the love of the people closest to me, the Lord truly restored my life and our family, even when it seemed impossible.
I am in awe of how when we adjust our lens from “how?” or why?” to saying “I trust You Lord ” and “ I believe You will” , God is already working in the uncertainty and will work everything for our good and in His timing.
It is time to believe and take hold of the promise that with God, nothing is impossible!
About the Author:
Author: Lori Severein
Lori is an anointed worship leader, wife, mother to two incredible young adults and Grandma to three precious gifts . Lori carries a heart for the homeless and the unborn. She is a complete gift to everyone around her.