Stones Of Remembrance
September 9, 2023 9:00 - 11:00am
Did you know that stones are used in the Bible for remembrance?
Repeatedly in the Old Testament, God tells people to build a stone altar to remember where and when God did something in the lives of His people. We all have moments in our life where we can look back and point to where God’s hand was with us.
On September 9th from 9am-11am, we will explore exactly what Stones of Remembrance are and how they apply to our life.
We will also paint a rock to help remind us of a time when God helped us through a time in our life. But this rock is not just for us to keep to ourselves (to strengthen ourselves), it is supposed to be shared with others to help strengthen their faith.
The cost of the workshop is $10.
We have limited space so sign up early. If you’d like to cover a spot for someone who might not be able to afford it, please do. If you can’t afford it, don’t let that stop you from attending.