Impact Ministries aim is to Connecting Churches to their Communities. This is done through outreaches that then connect those reached back to the local church.
If you are interested in having a team come help your church do an outreach, volunteering to serve with an outreach, or would like to help sponsor another church's outreach, please keep scrolling or email Hannah@RestoreChurch.Net.
Interested Churches
Impact helps churches connect to their communities through outreach events and community service. We meet with pastors to find the people in their communities who need to be reached and then we make a plan with them on how to do it. We have bounce houses, inflatables, cotton candy machine, snow cone machine, popcorn machine, a 220" inflatable tv screen, all of the equipment for VBS and more.
Pricing for Churches
This does not include travel expenses and the host church is required to provide meals for the team while they are there.
- 1 day – $500
- 3 days – $1,400
- 5 days – $2,300
- 7 days – $2,500
****Monthly donors receive discounted prices
If you are interested in sponsoring a church in need of financial assistance to have an outreach, please email Hannah@RestoreChurch.Net.
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Tour
This is a 4 week outreach event over the summer where interns, 16 and older, can travel to different churches, helping with outreach and service events. These weeks are full of leadership lessons, evangelism, discipleship, and friendship. During this internship, it is Impacts goal to see interns grow in their faith both in relationship with God and practically understanding why we follow Jesus. Interns will finish the summer being able to clearly communicate their faith and share their testimonies.
Other Volunteer Opportunities
These events can be in many different locations, at any time of the year, and may range from 1 day to a week. If you would be interested in joining Impacts volunteer team and receiving notifications of the different outreach opportunities that Impact is offering, email Hannah@RestoreChurch.Net and let her know you are interested in joining the volunteer team.